Subassembly tests - ASTM F1798
Standard test method for evaluating the static and fatigue properties of interconnection mechanisms and subassemblies used in spinal arthrodesis implants
The ASTM F1798 test method describes the measurement of uniaxial static and fatigue strength and resistance to loosening of the component interconnection mechanism of spinal arthrodesis implants.
The following tests are described:
- Static A-P load and dynamic A-P fatigue run out (Fx)
- Static transverse load and dynamic transverse fatigue run out (Fy)
- Static axial gripping capacity and dynamic axial fatigue run out (Fz)
- Static transverse moment and dynamic transverse moment fatigue run out (Mx)
- Static flexion-extension moment and dynamic flexion extension moment fatigue run out (My)
- Static axial torque and dynamic axial torsional fatigue run out (Mz)