Common test methods - ISO 80369-20

Small-bore connectors for liquids and gases in healthcare applications — Part 20: Common test methods


The ISO 80369-20 standard specifies the test methods to evaluate the performance requirements for small-bore connectors specified in the ISO 80369- series.

The test methods include:

  • Leakage by pressure decay (Annex B)
  • Positive pressure liquid leakage (Annex C)
  • Subatmospheric-pressure air leakage (Annex D)
  • Stress cracking (Annex E)
  • Resistance to separation from axial load (Annex F)
  • Resistance to separation from unscrewing (Annex G)
  • Resistance to overriding (Annex H)
  • Disconnection by unscrewing (Annex I)
  • Modification of the test methods to generate variable data for statistical analysis (Annex J, attributive testing versus variable testing)